This is Tigger. It's taken a long long time to get one as they're really rare. He is such a character, he isn't scared of people at all, If I come into the animal room he runs up and down waving at me and asking for a treat. He is the GREEDIEST animal in Frazoo, I am feeding him the right amount of worms and bugs etc but he always wants more (they are very prone to obesity apparently-which obviously comes with a lot of health problems so I want to avoid that).
They are known as 'mole salamanders' in the USA as they spent a lot of time digging tunnels underground with their powerful front feet. He has dug lots of tunnels in his tank and sleeps in them with his nose sticking out, He is always busy doing something and loves watching me or floating in his swimming pool. Fascinating fact: Tiger salamanders always return to their birthplace to breed, often travelling many miles to do so. Update...sadly Tigger passed away recently, I'm really heartbroken about it as he was so loveable. I am looking for another but second hand/rescue ones don't come up very often... |